I'm stunned - sort of.
I was looking around at other folks' blogs so I could get some ideas and add some links to the sites of all the really cool people I know, and I found this: The Yankee or Dixie Quiz (linked from way back in the archives of Meg's site, Saucy Librarian).
I'm from Virginia, but I've always thought of myself psychologically as more of a Yankee - I mean, I went to college in New York, I married a New York native, I live here in New York now. I don't have a Southern accent of any sort (of which I was quite proud while growing up, but now I really wish I'd picked up a Tidewater accent, because it's a pleasant, subtle, dare I say it, genteel way of speaking, and it'll be a shame if it dies out). I've been told, repeatedly, that I sound like I'm from New York, Long Island (huh?), Pennsylvania, or Canada (again, huh?).
So I'm a little surprised that my Yankee or Dixie scores were 71% Dixie, 89% Dixie, and 63% Dixie for the three times I took the test. That's an average score of 74.33% Dixie. And I thought the most Southern thing about the way I speak is the fact that I sometimes say "y'all" (which confuses people because, like I said, no Southern accent).
Now Playing: NPR, of course - All Things Considered is on.