Friday, June 17, 2005


Yesterday was an interesting day. I had my first job interview in like, I don't even know how long. It was at this place. I think it went pretty well, except for the fact that I forgot to bring the exact addresses and phone numbers for any of my previous employers or anyone I wanted to use as a reference. Oops. And furthermore, when I called my mom to check the contact info for some of her former employees with whom I worked when I spent that summer working in her office, I found they'd all retired and moved somewhere, and Mom can't get their current contact info until she gets home from vacation. Whee! I'm such fuckup sometimes. Did I mention I was up half the night revising my resume, which I literally hadn't updated since 2000? Ayyy... you can't see me now, but I'm hanging my head in shame. So, long story short, I'm heading back over there in a bit to give them my employers and references list.

Yesterday I also found out I won a pair of earrings in the Operation Kool-Aid raffle at the Where's George Saugatuck 2 gathering (organized by P3 in Michigan). Whew, that's a mouthful. But, anyway, yeah. I wanted to go to the gathering, but since I couldn't make it, I figured sending in money for the raffle was the next best thing. And to actually win something... I'm pretty pleased about that. I took a picture of the earrings, but there will be no pictures here until I have the time to sit down and mess with my camera and make it work with this computer. That's going to be a big production, because I haven't uploaded pictures from my camera in months. There's hundreds I need to sort through. I can't do that 'til I've got a good long block of time to just sit.

In other news, I got this e-mail the other day from MINI USA about this cute little desktop widget they've put together - it's a Mini-themed Word of the Day dictionary-style thing. Example entry: Brewnesia - n. The condition of forgetting your coffee on the roof of your car and driving off. Hee. I really need to get some pictures of my little baby car up on here. I mean, she's had the shit beat out of her lately (which, man, that's another post unto itself), so she's not exactly ready for her closeup... but I've got those baby pictures I took of her when she was new, pristine and unscarred. I just need to find them and scan/upload them. I also need to join this webring, while I'm at it.

Another test result for you:
I am nerdier than 83% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

And now - laundry calls. I have more to post (much, much more - oh, you people have no idea what you're in for!), but it'll have to wait for a while.

Now playing: NPR - Day to Day