I know more people who are famous!!!
Some of you may remember when, back in June, I heard that story about someone I know on NPR. Just last week, it happened again - another story on NPR about someone I know! Even more specifically, it's about another guy I know from that puppet show I worked on on ICTV, The Day Room. His name is Dave Nadelberg, and what he is doing now that landed him on NPR is this: Mortified: The Show. Also working on the show: another Day Room puppeteer, Neil Katcher, and another IC alum I sort-of knew, Giulia Rozzi. Basically, they get ordinary people to come onstage and read their most embarrassing diary entry or whatever from their ridiculous teenage years. While I find the concept amusing, I could never participate in one of their shows because, all that humiliating teenage stuff? I never wrote any of that down (are you kidding me? I'm way too paranoid to have committed any of that to paper). Besides, who needs a stage? I already embarrass myself in front of complete strangers on a weekly basis.
Anyway. It's pretty bitchin' that people I went to school with are actually doing cool things with their lives.