Tuesday, January 24, 2006

my baby is home! oh, and my husband is back, too

Yay! I am once again posting from my beloved li'l laptop, which is warming my lap like it were a kitten or something. It's so cold in this damn apartment, I'd be sitting here shivering if it weren't for my precious, precious baby. My DH delivered it back to me, apparently safe and sound (knock on wood). And he delivered himself back to me safe and sound, too, which is wonderful - tho' with no good news on the job front. Time for me to start planning for another year here in Syracuse, I guess.

Today was such a long day, and the semester still hasn't gotten into full swing yet. Plus, I haven't gotten a really good night's sleep in over a week. At least Tuesdays are my days to sleep in - my first class isn't until 11 a.m., which is loverly. But then I've got those two classes back to back which both test my stamina - physics because it is so, so boring and the teacher talks in a Polish-accented monotone, and Japanese because I spend the whole class straining to hear anything anyone else in the room says during the entire class. But then I'm done for the day! Except for anime at 7 p.m. - but that gives me tons of free time on Tuesday afternoons, which I'll need to catch up on the ludicrous amont of homework assignments I've got. Seriously, you know it's going to be a rough semester when organic chem is shaping up to be the class for which I have the least amount of work.

Crap. Once again my plans to post something of substance are thwarted by extreme exhaustion. Welcome to the spring semester. It's going to be like this until May.