Friday, March 24, 2006

nerdy chemistry not-so-fun

So I'm sure you're all on pins and needles wondering how I did on the o-chem test.

Well, I know I got one point, for sure (out of, I guess it was 100 points total, I can't remember) - the extra credit point. I am fairly certain I at least did better than single-digits. I think I got at least a 29.

But the best I could possibly have done is about a 40, assuming the TAs were very lenient in their grading. Especially since there were about three questions (out of 7 or 8) where I had to leave nearly the whole thing blank because I didn't have the first clue how to answer them.

Eh, well, grades should be posted by this afternoon, so I guess I'll know how I did soon enough.

In other news, briefly:
  • The Thursday Screeners film tonight was Wittgenstein, and it was really good. I mean, weird, obviously, but interesting and off-beat - not so weird as to be inaccessible.

  • It's almost playoffs time in the Lake Effect fantasy hockey league, already! I never even got around to posting about my team's roster (the original roster, or all the lineup changes I had to make over the course of the season), or my attempts to design a team logo, or the fact that I have led the league all season (not as impressive a feat as it sounds, since our league only has four teams and at least one of the team owners - Bean, I'm looking at you - has pretty much given up on the whole fantasy hockey thing).

  • There's an anime mini-convention thing going on tomorrow (Saturday, 3/25) at the Palace Theater. It's $10 for an advance ticket - I don't know how much it'll be at the door. I'm still not sure I want to go, but it does look kind of fun. Are any of y'all going? (Cathy, if you're reading this - this question is most specifically directed at you.)

  • Uhm... oh, there was more, but I'm really tired and I should have been in bed two hours ago.

'Night, y'all.