I am not a lazy blogger
My brother-in-law accused me of being one this afternoon. I am not. I'm an extremely busy blogger - so extremely busy I feel like I barely have time to breathe most days, and I am not sure I will be able to keep my head above water for the next month it will take to finish out the semester. Anyway, he's the one who has had his blog since last November yet only made a grand total of 11 posts ever.
Speaking of my brother-in-law, I need a new nom de blog for him, since he is not Bean's mister anymore - and for what it's worth, I think they'll both be better off, since they were just making each other miserable for like, at least the last six months of that mess. I think the biggest downside is that I probably won't get to see Bean as often anymore - not that I get to see much of anyone these days, aside from my DH (tonight was a notable exception, but that was all about dinner, not just socializing).
Anyway. A new nom de 'net for my brother-in-law. Here are the only things my deep-fried brain has been able to come up with after as much thought as I could spare:
- his initials: JEB
- a dumb nickname which I know he hates, like Jimbo
- as with my DH: call him my BIL (but what do I do if I want to refer to him by name, instead of in the possessive sense?)
- something relating to his blog username, like Mr. fun_with_cheese or Mr. my_underscores_are_so_1999
Y'all are welcome to offer input. Suggest something! Suggestions from said brother-in-law will take precedence over anything else, since it's a name for him - unless the rest of y'all can come up with something so good it can't be denied. Heheheh...
And now, back to my regularly-scheduled stress-induced freaking out. That'll probably last until about May 10th. Then you can expect to start seeing regular posts from me again.