countdown to one year of blogging
As of next Tuesday, the 13th of June, this blog will be one year old. (June 13th is also my cousin Em's birthday, and my blog-less knitbud Liz's birthday. Popular date, huh?) So, as of next Tuesday, I hope to have reached my 100th post here. I'm at 92 as of this post (I think - I'll check after I post this and update the total as necessary). Eight posts in four days - that sounds do-able, right?
Except when you consider that I'm either working this weekend, or driving to NYC for Rani's baby shower, or working Saturday then driving to NYC for Rani's baby shower. And I have to pack for Bonnaroo, because we're leaving for that on Tuesday morning. And I have to water the plants, go to Target, swing by school (maybe), make a couple appointments for after we get back, get more memory for my camera, and do about a billion other little things before I'll be ready to leave for the week. And I want the posts to be substantial posts, not like, a link and a sentence. I've been uploading things to Flickr that I need to post, and I've got stuff to say about knitting and books and weddings and babies and films and art and hockey and school... And Blogger has been acting up lately, too, which makes it all even more of a pain in the butt.
Eight posts? Four days? Ai-yaah.
Oh, yeah, and did I mention I want to do a code overhaul on this place? Bean just changed up her blog, and it looks really pretty. It's inspired me to do some spring cleaning around here. I want this place to be purple, I want a banner, and I want the three columns to work even in broken browsers. I'm sure that won't happen by Tuesday, but I'd like it to happen as soon as possible afterward. Lots of things to do, lots of things to do...