the season of itch
The #1 reason I hate summer, aside from the heat and sweatiness, is that it is itch season. I hate being itchy. I count the summer we had a flea problem here in Mom's house because we didn't get a flea collar on the cat fast enough among the worst summers of my life. You can understand why I totally freaked out when I started getting bitten by fleas from our downstairs neighbors' cat when I went down to the basement to do laundry back home.
So I'd been extra pleased that, so far on this trip, I hadn't been bitten by anything, even after having the cat sit next to me in front of the computer all afternoon today. I got the kittie cuddle time without the itchies! Great!
But when Mom got home tonight from her trip to Russia, I helped her carry her bags into the back hallway where her room is, and I was halfway back up the hall when I realized I had fleas all over my ankles!!!
My ankles itch so much right now, I feel like they are on fire. Let me just say that if I get fleas in my dreads and have to cut them off, I will be so furiously angry, I will have to kill someone - and it's not going to be the cat.
Anyway, we're off to Bonnaroo now, so I won't have a chance to post anything for the next few days, probably. There will be way more posting when I get back, for sure. See y'all in a few!