Saturday, July 22, 2006


The worst part about puking, for me, is when it goes up your nasal passages, because not only does it burn like hell, but you also smell it for ages afterward. So profoundly gross.

Man, I hadn't puked in ages. I am pretty sure this is only the second time I have ever been drunk enough to puke. Boy, I thought I learned my lesson that first time - New Year's Eve and Day 2002-2003. That was a bad scene, and a story I do not wish to relate here - let's just say there was free champagne, and leave it at that.

That time, however, I was not only up all night puking, but I was in bed the whole next day puking. Definitely not an auspicious start to that new year. I better not be sick all the rest of this day, because I have to fucking work, dammit.

Thing is, I totally did not think I had that much to drink tonight. I thought I paced myself pretty well - I never felt fall-down drunk or anything. I am a total lightweight when it comes to drinking, thanks to both habit and heredity - but I made sure I had far less to drink than anyone else there this evening. Three and a half drinks really isn't that much. Unless the Polish guys were mixing them stronger than I realized. Which, come to think of it, they must've been. Sneaky bastards. Oh, and the fact that I had less to eat for dinner than usual probably didn't help any. And I was pretty dehydrated this afternoon - I guess when you add it all up, you can see trouble coming. Pity I didn't add it all up until just now.

Well, the good thing is I do feel much better now. Maybe not completely out of the woods, but I don't think I'll be bringing up any more of what was left of dinner. Ugh, ick. I turn into such a baby when I'm not feeling well.