If you're wondering, no, that's not a picture of me. In fact, that picture looks nothing like me. But fans of John Singer Sargent might understand why I chose it. Cheers!
the fuzzy steering wheel cover from Stitch 'n Bitch Nation for Lucy
a sleeveless top in Patons Fresco, semi-improvised pattern
gigantic Wool-Ease T&Q sweater for the DH
skull & crossbones Christmas stocking
Upcoming Events
This used to be a java countdown, but the script kept breaking, so now it's just a calendar of important upcoming dates. Sorry it's
so boring now, when it used to be all flashy.
Before I had to move my blog off my Cox webspace, I had a really cool favicon which I made using
FavIcon from Pics. Maybe someday when I'm on my own server again, I'll
be able to put it back up.