Monday, January 05, 2009

a few thoughts for today

My grandmother would be 94 today if she were still alive. This is the first time her birthday's passed without her being here. Happy birthday, Nana. I miss you.

Picked up the cat from the cat hotel today (or, as Johnny might put it, I sprung her from the kitty jail). She certainly seems happy to be home. :) She didn't put on that much more weight while we were gone this time, but combined with what she gained while we were gone in November... well, let's just say that Prue needs to make a new year's resolution to lose some weight. She is a tubby, chubby kitty. Some of it will drop pretty quickly now that she can run around and jump up on things and play with her toys all day again, but I'm wondering if perhaps we'll have to put her back on the diet food, too, even if just for a little while.

Sadly, I am feeling as tubby as my cat these days. Eating like crap and not really exercising for about two months will do that to you, I guess. I will definitely have to go on the diet food for a bit, plus make sure to run around and jump up on things and play with my toys. And hey, maybe even go back to the gym one of these days. I'm not quite sure how that will work out, tho', since I'm looking at my schedule for the next few months, and this year is shaping up to be potentially even busier than the last. Yikes.

Edited to add: Oh, oh, I almost forgot! This is apparently my 200th post on this blog! Wow. Sure doesn't seem like it's been that many (then again, I clearly forget the vast majority of crap I post about, roughly 2 minutes after I hit the "Publish Post" button). That is a lot of incoherent babbling and rambling on. Here's to at least 200 more posts I also won't recall! ;)


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