sick of being sick
OMFG, y'all, I am so sick of not being able to hear out of my right ear, or breathe properly, or be without a gigantic box of tissues for more than half an hour. It seems like, ever since I got that wicked sinus infection back in April '05 (I think it was), I get these really awful colds that render me effectively deaf for like, three weeks, at least once per semester. At least this one is not giving me disabling vertigo (tender mercies - knock on wood). I'm kind of afraid that, since I've gotten this one so early in the season, I will end up finally recovering in late November only to get another horrible infection just in time for the end of the semester, exam week, and having to frantically throw my stuff in boxes so I can move it 7 states south. Right now, it's pretty much my fondest wish that the scenario described above does not happen. One can hope.
Anyway, I just finished reading The Walking Dead, Volume 5: The Best Defense, and it was horrible - not in the sense that the book is bad, or badly done, but in that what he's done to his poor characters has just crossed the line for me. I literally needed a hug after I finished (just ask Bean, she's the one who had to give it to me!) - it's that kind of book. I still love the series, and of course I'll keep reading, but the number of people to whom I'd unreservedly recommend the books has dropped dramatically, and when I re-read them, I may skip this volume. I guess we've discovered where some of my buttons are, now that they've been pushed.