Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bonnaroo by the numbers

# of bands seen: something like 15, with a few more heard but not actually seen
# of puppet bands seen: 1
# of Elvis impersonators seen: 1
# of Evel Knievel impersonators seen: 0
# of hairy-legged girls seen (besides me and my cousins): 1
# of pink-haired grannies seen: 1
# of people I saw wearing t-shirts from (besides me): 3
# of boobies seen (not counting the ones on the t-shirt): 6
# of people with dreads I saw (besides myself): a ton - I lost count
# of babies I saw wearing earplugs: 1
# of hours spent driving there and back: roughly 54
# of days I went without a proper shower: 5
# of naked men seen (besides my DH): 0 (alas!)
# of Georged bills spent on the whole trip: 178

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

the season of itch

The #1 reason I hate summer, aside from the heat and sweatiness, is that it is itch season. I hate being itchy. I count the summer we had a flea problem here in Mom's house because we didn't get a flea collar on the cat fast enough among the worst summers of my life. You can understand why I totally freaked out when I started getting bitten by fleas from our downstairs neighbors' cat when I went down to the basement to do laundry back home.

So I'd been extra pleased that, so far on this trip, I hadn't been bitten by anything, even after having the cat sit next to me in front of the computer all afternoon today. I got the kittie cuddle time without the itchies! Great!

But when Mom got home tonight from her trip to Russia, I helped her carry her bags into the back hallway where her room is, and I was halfway back up the hall when I realized I had fleas all over my ankles!!!


My ankles itch so much right now, I feel like they are on fire. Let me just say that if I get fleas in my dreads and have to cut them off, I will be so furiously angry, I will have to kill someone - and it's not going to be the cat.

Anyway, we're off to Bonnaroo now, so I won't have a chance to post anything for the next few days, probably. There will be way more posting when I get back, for sure. See y'all in a few!

oh well.

Didn't quite make it here in time to get to 100 posts on my blogiversary. I am a bad blogger - but if you've been reading my ramblings for any amount of time, you already knew that. Oh well.

We're here at Mom's, and the place is disgusting, as usual. I mean, our apartment is bad, thanks mostly to me and my slovenly habits. But Mom takes having a houseful of crap to a whole new level. Johnny wouldn't even approach the door to the bedroom where we're sleeping until we moved a tottering stack of magazines from atop the computer box in front of the door (so placed because the cat has learned how to open that door on her own if we don't physically block her access to it). All Mom's plants are dead, there's cobwebs and creepy bugs everywhere, and we can't find where Mom might've left us any information on taking care of her RV (which we have come here to borrow for Bonnaroo). We're only guessing that the keys we've found are the RV keys - we'll try them out in the morning, and if they're not, we're fucked.

So yeah. Long day in a car, and then coming "home" to this. Mom is never allowed to leave her home for this long again, nor should she continue to be allowed to live alone. She needs to clean up, and you know if I'm saying this, it must be really bad.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

in the immortal words of Manolo: ayyyy!

Well, I'm really behind on the countdown to 100 posts, seeing as how it's Tuesday already and I'm only at like, 95 or something. And we need to leave for Bonnaroo, like, now.

So here's my plan - I'll have my laptop in the car, and type up my posts along the road, then post them all once we get to my mom's place tonight (assuming her internet is not malfunctioning or anything). Sound good? I sure hope it works out. It'd be a bummer if this was the only post I got to make on my one-year blogiversary. ;)

Sunday, June 11, 2006

miniseries of the week

Say you have a friend C whose marriage is going through a rough patch. She tells friend K, in whom she expects she can confide without judgment, only to find K making incisive little hurtful statements to/about her all the time, dragging her business out in front of people who do not need to be involved, and most hurtful of all, misinterpreting her marital issues as a death knell for the relationship and announcing to the world that her marriage was over. Say C is really hurt and really angry, but won't confront K about her behavior because she doesn't think it would do any good.

Say also that friend R is kind of annoyed at K because, while she would just like to let her hair down around her oldest friends and complain vigorously about her extremely difficult pregnancy, when she does, K keeps making irritating statements like, "Oh, but why would you want to adopt if you have a second child? Of course you'll want to have another one of your own!" Like R and her husband haven't thought this out, and like their worries and frustrations about this preganacy aren't really that valid. R is also still a little peeved at K for pushing her just a little bit too far at her wedding several months ago (that incident ended with R snapping and bursting into tears at the end of a very long day). But so far, no one has really confronted K about this stuff, either.

G is just sick of hearing about K from R and C, and witnessing K's behavior first-hand; and she thinks that at least part of what is at the root of K's current attitude is K's "balding alcoholic douchebag boyfriend" (BADBBF for short). We all think the BADBBF is kind of a problem, in that he doesn't treat K all that well, and he's really kind of an asshole - but an asshole in the sort of way that you can tell he's only acting like that because he's insecure about something (so, y'know, if he would just chill the fuck out and stop needing to be the arbiter of good taste on every occasion, he could redeem himself somewhat). We're wondering if, perhaps, his abrasive style is rubbing off on her, or enhancing her latent natural tendency to critique.

We are all also afraid that K is beginning to turn into her mother, who is a judgmental old shrewish harpie (very old school, very much focused on what others think of her and her family, very into using emotional guilt-tripping and nagging to get others to act as she thinks they should, pushy - but in a subtle way, and totally absorbed in her own perceptions of the truth, however far those may be from reality). She's the kind of mother who, for example, criticizes her daughter's weight to her daughter's friends whenever said daughter has left the room for a moment (as if that will accomplish anything other than making us all feel uncomfortable). Think "character in a Tennessee Williams play" and you'll be close. We do! not! want to see K turn into that.

Say K herself is torn between wanting her BADBBF to propose to her, and acknowledging that their relationship, while very comfortable, lacks passion. We all see her walking on eggshells around him (changing her stuff to suit his style, thinking first if he'd like it before buying something for herself, etc.), but she actually says she feels comfortable with him in a way that she hasn't with anyone else. And for all that he is an asshole, he has mellowed out a lot in the time that he's been with her - become much more open about showing his emotions and much more willing to talk and compromise. But even K knows they still have a long, long way to go before they'll have all their issues resolved (like that whole Protestant vs. Catholic thing they need to sort out before they should even think about having kids). And she's afraid that their aforementioned lack of passion will lead to a tragedy later on when one or the other of them has a mid-life crisis and realizes they still have some wild oats to sow.

K's putting up with more bullshit than I'd put up with in a relationship, but is it worth it for the stability, predictability and constancy inherent in a relationship that fits like an old pair of jeans? Sure, they may chafe in a couple spots, but you know exactly where those spots are, and otherwise the things fit like they were made for you. And are her relationship issues at all related to how she's been treating her friends, or has she really always been like this and I've just never noticed? Does she even have the slightest clue she's hurting people and pissing them off? I think we need to stage an intervention this weekend between the five of us - just sit down and have it all out, so maybe we can resolve some of this mess. No one else, however, seems to think that's a good idea. I would hope, though, that if I were the one in K's position, either the rest of them would sit me down and talk to me about what was going on instead of discussing it endlessly in my absence, or I'd be alert enough to pick up on the fact that something was up and thus could bring up the issue with them myself.

I suppose by now you've gathered that there's nothing hypothetical about the situations I posed above. I think I've pretty much covered all the angles of our predicament as I've come to understand them over the past few weeks. If I messed something up, I'm sure I'll hear about it. My life is generally drama-free, so I wasn't expecting this much of a miniseries this weekend. With this group, however, I'm sure it'll wind down pretty quickly and have a happy ending.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

birds are nature's alarm clocks

Unfortunately, they don't come with a snooze button.

Across the street from our apartment, there is this tree we refer to as The Tree of a Thousand Birds. During the warmer months, starting at about four in the morning, these birds raise up such a cacophany that sleep, should the windows be open as an un-airconditioned apartment in summer demands, becomes impossible. And we've learned from bitter experience that one should never, ever park one's car under The Tree of a Thousand Birds, unless one wants to drive around in a car that's coated in bird shit.

So I'm here in Rani & Joy's apartment, in NYC, after finding out yesterday afternoon that I did, magically, get the whole weekend off work (amazing! I'm still in shock). They live right across the street from Inwood Hill Park, which is like, the biggest park in Manhattan after Central Park. And apparently, instead of just one Tree of a Thousand Birds, they've got a whole park full of them to wake us up bright and early on a Saturday morning - nevermind that I didn't get here until 12:45 a.m. after taking a wrong exit and getting lost in New Jersey, or that I didn't get to bed until 2 and then couldn't fall asleep because I'm allergic to feather pillows.

Damn birds.

Of course, it doesn't help that there are no window treatments in this room yet, either. Damn sunlight. It's not even sunny or anything, but it's ludicrously bright for being so overcast.

Well, I have no idea what the itinerary for today is, aside from the baby-showery-things, so I don't know what to tell you to expect from my posting this weekend - just that, with any luck, I'll be able to do a fair bit of it (for a change). Yay!

Friday, June 09, 2006

countdown to one year of blogging

As of next Tuesday, the 13th of June, this blog will be one year old. (June 13th is also my cousin Em's birthday, and my blog-less knitbud Liz's birthday. Popular date, huh?) So, as of next Tuesday, I hope to have reached my 100th post here. I'm at 92 as of this post (I think - I'll check after I post this and update the total as necessary). Eight posts in four days - that sounds do-able, right?

Except when you consider that I'm either working this weekend, or driving to NYC for Rani's baby shower, or working Saturday then driving to NYC for Rani's baby shower. And I have to pack for Bonnaroo, because we're leaving for that on Tuesday morning. And I have to water the plants, go to Target, swing by school (maybe), make a couple appointments for after we get back, get more memory for my camera, and do about a billion other little things before I'll be ready to leave for the week. And I want the posts to be substantial posts, not like, a link and a sentence. I've been uploading things to Flickr that I need to post, and I've got stuff to say about knitting and books and weddings and babies and films and art and hockey and school... And Blogger has been acting up lately, too, which makes it all even more of a pain in the butt.

Eight posts? Four days? Ai-yaah.

Oh, yeah, and did I mention I want to do a code overhaul on this place? Bean just changed up her blog, and it looks really pretty. It's inspired me to do some spring cleaning around here. I want this place to be purple, I want a banner, and I want the three columns to work even in broken browsers. I'm sure that won't happen by Tuesday, but I'd like it to happen as soon as possible afterward. Lots of things to do, lots of things to do...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

who misses Alan Greenspan?

I do! I do!

Here's a little IM conversation I just had with my friend Gorontastic:

Me: ok - Ben Bernanke vs. Alan Greenspan
Me: how much cooler was Greenspan than Bernanke?
Me: a) a lot. b) a helluva lot. c) so much more the difference is unfathomable

G: my final answer is c

And she does financial work, so she would know.

Speaking of money, I got two half-straps from the bank today (so I can George them in preparation for the Bonnaroo trip), and there was a 1977A bill, a 1985 bill, and a 1988A bill in there. Weird. I've never seen a '77A bill before, and I've only entered eight '85 bills and twenty-six '88As. I also got another half-strap last week, and it had a 1963B bill in it! I hadn't seen one of those since Sam the Sham gave me one at the CarPool WG gathering in 2001! It's only the second '63B bill I've ever entered, and I haven't entered any bills from an older series than that. Getting one in circulation is totally crazy. I'm torn between saving it, and spending it in the hopes that it might get a hit. I just read back over this paragraph - if it read like Greek to you, chalk it up to my bizarre nerdiness and move on.

And speaking of spending my money (how d'ya like that for a segue?), I've been on kind of an online shopping spree lately. I dunno why - kind of a buy-it-now-or-never mentality. I got a notice that two of the reprints I'd voted for on Threadless had reached critical mass, so I went to buy those (the "Well, This Just Really Sucks" tee and the "Nice Boobies" tee, which I am wearing right now, and which makes me chuckle). (Threadless tees rule, by the way. If you're not familiar with the site, go look through their store, especially the sold out designs - some of them are absolutely hilarious. If you see a sold-out one you really like, you can request a reprint of it. Personally, I'm waiting for a reprint of this one, because it made me laugh so hard when I saw it.) And then I decided I needed to take the plunge and get the stuff I've been looking at from Toothpaste for Dinner and Natalie Dee, including another nerdy chemistry t-shirt and the Will Knit for Tattoos tote bag I mentioned a couple posts ago (because, y'know, I will knit for tattoos. I'm just sayin').

And then I figured I'd try to get a new pair of rain boots from Zappos in preparation for Bonnaroo, since my old ones (which aren't even that old yet!) have a hole in them - and after Coventry, there's no way I'm going to a rock festival without rain boots. So I ordered a couple other things (they were on sale!) along with the rain boots - and of course, everything fits except the boots. I may have to go to an actual physical store to get some boots, because I don't think Zappos could send me another pair before I'm supposed to leave on the 13th (and I didn't really like any of the other boots they had in my size, anyway). Does DSW have anything good right now? I guess I will find out soon enough.

So, Mr. Not-nearly-as-cool-as-Greenspan Bernanke, I'm doing my part to keep the economy humming, despite whatever you're doing that's freaking out the stock markets. Inflation, in-schmation.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Of course, since I wanted to post a bunch of things today, Blogger was down all afternoon. Why does it seem like that happens every time I want to do a lot of posting? I don't post for like, two weeks, and it works flawlessly that whole time (as far as I know - I could be wrong about this one) - but as soon as I have things I want to say, for a change...

And now, since everything seems to be working again, I have forgotten half the stuff I wanted to discuss. Naturally.

an ode to bacon

Why is bacon so astoundingly tasty? What exactly is it about that particular part of pig flesh that is so, so good? I am completely and totally unable to resist the lure of bacon.

I'm not the only one who has been in thrall to the wonderful strips of meat lately. See here what Keith Knight has to say about bacon.

I keep contemplating going vegetarian (for health and ethical, tho' not religious, reasons), but bacon is the one thing I know I could never, ever give up.

Luckily, R. Stevens from Diesel Sweeties has come up with a solution: become a baco-vegetarian! Because it is a universal truth that bacon is a vegetable - it's printed on a t-shirt, so it must be true.

(Diesel Sweeties also features the Yarncore shirt, which I must own - actually, I must own about half the shirts they offer. But the Yarncore one totally sealed the deal. And hey, speaking of knit-and-webcomic-related merch, check out the tote bag I just bought from! Hee!)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

an evil thought for you, in parting

"Evil will always triumph because Good is dumb"
- Dark Helmet, Spaceballs

an evil update

Here's an update on my evil activities for the day:
  • finish the evil laundry: check

  • Listen to Slayer: check

  • enter 66 evil bills at WG: check (well, sort of - I only entered 60, because that's all the money I have right now - but that's close enough for evil work!)

  • run all my reports on WG: will do that right after this post

  • beat up an emo kid: well, I was mean to my DH, or so he says - does that count?

  • call work: nope - evil can't get everything accomplished, apparently

  • post a bunch more times on this blog: I'm working on it

Whee, evil!

happy Satan Day!

666, baby! The number of the beast!

So far today, I have done these evil things:
  • taken an evil shower and washed my evil dreadlocks

  • done some evil laundry

  • rearranged my evil sock drawer

  • run my evil Where's George bill reports

  • updated my evil blog template

I still need to:
  • beat up an emo kid

  • enter 66 evil bills at Where's George

  • run all my Hits by County, Hits by Zip, and Hits by City reports on WG

  • work on my evil knitting

  • go to the evil laundromat to finish the evil laundry, because our evil basement (where our evil washer and dryer are) is infested with evil fleas thanks to the neighbors' evil cat

  • call work and see if any of my evil co-workers will cover for me this weekend, so I can go to my friend's evil baby shower in NYC (and if not, put a hex on all evil co-workers)

  • post a bunch more times on this evil blog

Exciting! Evil is all around today, isn't it? Yeah! \m/ evil \m/